Sunday, May 12, 2013

Assorted Hymns

a new verse for
For The Beauty Of The Earth
For the joy that spans the years
Through the laughter & the tears
Grace that sees us through our days
And so we sing this song of praise

Original hymn found on page 56
of The Chalice Hymnal
music by Conrad Kocher, 1838
words for original hymn
by Folliot S. Pierpoint, 1864

a new verse for
Faith While Trees Are Still In Blossom
Faith, while wheat is just emerging,
sees the harvest of the grain.
As the fields are cultivated,
faith believes in coming rain.

found on page 535 of The Chalice Hymnal
music ©1960 by V. Earle Copes
words for original hymn ©1960
by Anders Frostenson
with translation ©1972 by Fred Kaan