Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Reflecting On My Name

This morning, as I sit here with the sun streaming through the window onto my face, I find myself pondering the horrific news out of Boston. As I do so I recognize the potential to fall into the trap of anger or the trap of despair, neither of which would serve me well. So I remember to breathe and I remember to seek the stillness. And I find myself reflecting on a name which has been bestowed upon me - AmiShanti. As some of you may know, the spiritual path I seek to follow is shaped and influenced by a variety of traditions. In recent years that has included a form of Sufism, which is a mystical orientation towards Oneness with all that is. A part of that tradition includes taking on a new name, which is bestowed by a teacher. This name gives voice to qualities and values already present. And it offers a focus for living more fully into a potential which is only partially realized in this moment. The name which my teacher gave me is AmiShanti, which is derived from two Sanskrit words that together mean “sweet nectar of peace.” And so it is that today, as I ponder the seemingly senseless violence that is so pervasive in our world, I find myself contemplating the gift of this new name and who it calls me to become. Today seems like a perfect day in which to live more fully into that potential - to become a quiet channel through which peace can flow into the world. I will seek to hold a space of stillness and peace so that I might help to bring healing and wholeness to our broken and hurting world. I cannot do everything. But I can do something. I can seek to bring the fullness of myself to this present moment. I invite you to join me.